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Equity and Universal Health Coverage (UHC)

Series 4 applications are now closed.

For the fifth series of the NCD Diaries, we are seeking to support and promote NCD Diaries under the theme of Equity and Universal Health Coverage (UHC).

Through their Diaries, lived experience advocates will have the opportunity to share their lived experience and challenges related to equity, with a focus on access to health services for NCD prevention and care.

This fifth NCD Diaries series will run from August through October 2023.​ Please read the Selection Criteria and Process below for more details before submitting your Expression of Interest.

Please note that the Expression of Interest form is only open to people with lived experiences affiliated to/involved with national and regional NCD alliances.

For the fifth series of the NCD Diaries, we are seeking to support and promote NCD Diaries under the theme of Equity and Universal Health Coverage (UHC).

The definition of UHC according to the WHO, is that “all people have access to the full range of quality health services they need, when and where they need them, without financial hardship.” Despite countries' promise of UHC by 2030, little progress has been made. The 2023 State of UHC Commitment Review reports that implementation efforts have often focused on a few population groups and that discriminatory practices in UHC implementation have been reported. Further to this, public health developments including the COVID-19 pandemic have revealed noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) as the weak link in health systems worldwide.

This series of the NCD Diaries comes at a crucial time. In the lead up to the UN High Level Meeting on UHC in September 2023, it is necessary that people living with NCDs, facing discrimination and challenges related to equity, have their voices heard and contribute to filling the gap in data not only around the need for integration of NCDs into UHC benefit packages, but equitable NCD services.

Series 5 would focus on one of the three core pillars of UHC: population coverage. This dimension of UHC focuses on who in the population is covered by UHC health benefit packages. This means the core set of services that a government considers essential to meet the health needs of the population and for which they are willing to pay. NCDA are calling on governments to accelerate UHC implementation by including quality NCD prevention and care services in country UHC health benefit packages.

Population coverage is closely linked to equity – ensuring equal and fair access to services. We want to see entire populations covered in countries. Reaching those left furthest behind is critical for effective population coverage, and it is the stories of those people who have limited access to NCD services due to lack of opportunity for coverage or financial support that we are looking to promote through this series. Low socioeconomic status or poverty is the most common and often cited factor preventing equal and fair access, but there are other factors that can create inequities in population coverage, including, for example, discriminatory practices due to race and ethnicity, age, language, gender identity and sexual orientation, religion, disability and migrant, refugee and indigenous status.

Potential diarists may include people living with NCDs who have experienced lack of access to NCD services due to discriminatory practices around coverage or financial support in their country of residence. This can include, but is not limited to, people who have experienced lack of access due to low socioeconomic status; race, ethnicity or religion; refugee, migrant or indigenous status; disability, gender, LGBTQIA+ identity; or age.

We kindly request that your NCD alliance assists in identifying individuals who match this description in your respective contexts. Mindful that this may include individuals who require close support from your alliance during the 3‑4 month duration of the project to create their NCD Diary, whether it is due to barriers around language, resource constraints, accessibility issues or disability, we thank you in advance for your time and commitment.

Selection Criteria

Please note that this series of the NCD Diaries is particularly competitive, and we will only be taking on up to 6 NCD Diarists.

Selection will be based on the following overarching criteria:

Relevance to thematic focus of the NCD Diaries series

Applicants will be encouraged to demonstrate clear alignment of their experiences and therefore NCD Diary concept with the thematic focus of the series, Equity and UHC.

Motivation for becoming an NCD Diarist

Statements of motivation which align well with the objectives of the NCD Diaries – compelling documentation of one’s lived experience; providing recommendations/calls to action to strengthen the NCD response when it comes to Equity and UHC and inspiring other people living with NCDs to share their stories.


We would like Diarists to be as representative as possible of a broad range of factors including age, gender, NCD condition, geographic location etc. but also within the scope of this theme on equity.

Project commitment overview

Following selection, Diarists will be involved with the NCD Diaries project over a span of three-four months, which will include onboarding and training; content creation and publication; and promotion efforts aligned with advocacy and communications opportunities. Diarists and affiliated national alliances must ensure they are able to remain committed for the entire duration of the NCD Diaries series.

Note for national/regional NCD alliances: For this series, we are looking for national and regional NCD alliances to accompany diarists throughout the duration of the project. We expect that for this series on Equity, the profile of diarists may include individuals who may experience language, data/technology, transportation or other barriers, and therefore would require close support from a dedicated staff member of your alliance. Alliances accompanying an NCD Diarist would be contracted to provide support services for the duration of the project (up to USD 1200 total available per alliance). Contracting will require a proposal describing the support to be provided by the alliance, estimated cost, description of the alliance capability to provide such services.

Time Commitment for Diarists

Following selection​, the NCD Diarists’ commitment/involvement as part of Series Four will span three months (October – December 2022).

Diarist onboarding​ over two weeks, which involves introductory online training sessions by NCD Alliance and external trainers. These sessions will cover a range of information, including the NCD Diaries process itself, the theme for the series (prevention), guidance on each Diary format, how best to craft your stories and convey your advocacy messages in the most impactful way. As the NCD Diaries is a digital project, Diarists will receive personal login information for the NCD Diaries microsite, which will be used for communications with NCD Alliance, uploading and review of content and final submission of Diary entries.

Creating NCD Diaries​ over the course of three months (October – December 2022).

  • Text format:​ three separate written entries of 300-400 words in length. Each entry will be published approximately one month apart (Entry 1: week commencing October 31st; Entry 2: week commencing November 21st; Entry 3: week commencing December 12th).

  • Visual format:​ capturing five images with accompanying captions of 50-70 words that will comprise a photo essay (5 entries total), over a span of four months. Through this format, you will publish all 5 entries (images) together in the week commencing December 12th).
    *Note: kindly ensure that you are prepared to take your own photographs with a phone, camera, or other device during the course of the series.

  • Audio format:​ three separate podcast entries (episodes) of 10-15 minutes in length. Each entry will be published approximately one month apart (Entry 1: week commencing October 31st; Entry 2: week commencing November 21st; Entry 3: week commencing December 12th).
    *Note: time commitment for this format includes the creation of a script to finalise content for each episode prior to recording.

Promotion of NCD Diaries​ (January 2023 onwards for visual, audio and text formats).

Attend a wrap-up reflection session​ and participate in an evaluation process (mid-January 2023 (Date TBC).

Expressing your interest in becoming a Diarist

As the national or regional NCD alliance, please identify and source NCD Diarists that would fit the profile for this series, as described above. Please then provide support (as necessary) for the applicant to complete the expression of interest, following the link provided.

Please ensure that Expression of Interests (EOI) are submitted by latest by 25 August 2023 - 12:00 GMT​.

Selection Process

Expression of Interests (EOI) will be evaluated by an Our Views Our Voices Advisory Committee review panel. All individuals who express interest in Series 5 of the NCD Diaries will be contacted directly regarding the outcome of the process.

Prevention through the lived experience lens

The fourth series of the NCD Diaries project is based on the theme: Prevention through the lived experience lens. Through their Diaries, lived experience advocates share their lived experiences and NCD journey, why they believe action on NCD prevention and health promotion is important, and shed light on their motivations to advocate on these topics.

View NCD Diaries series 4

Thank you for considering this opportunity to share your lived experience and call for action in the global, regional, and national NCD response.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the NCD Alliance at [email protected]


Status message
Series 5 of NCD Diaries is full and no longer accepting submissions. 

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The latest theme is

Equity and UHC

View the Diaries