In 2017, the Our Views, Our Voices consultation aimed to understand the common needs, challenges and priorities of people living with a wide range of NCDs.
The insights collected through this consultation, which included an online survey, 72 community conversations helped to shape the Advocacy Agenda of People Living with NCDs. In October 2017, a group of 34 people living with NCDs from 22 countries convened at a workshop in Geneva to help finalise the Advocacy Agenda.
As part of the online consultation process between July and September 2017, 958 people living with NCDs responded to an online survey exploring challenges and recommendations.
Through the interactive dashboard below, you will be able to explore results by country, condition, age, and gender.
Community Conversations
As part of the Our Views, Our Voices consultation process leading to the creation of the Advocacy Agenda of People Living with NCDs, 72 in-person community conversations were held between July and September 2017 in 16 countries around the world, involving 935 people living with NCDs, to better understand needs, challenges, and priority “asks”.
The community conversations aimed to promote thoughtful, constructive, collaborative, dialogue among people living with and affected by NCDs.
Discover what people living with NCDs had to say by exploring quotes by different themes through the dashboard below: