
Our Views, Our Voices is an initiative of the NCD Alliance and people living with NCDs, dedicated to promoting the meaningful involvement of people living with NCDs in the NCD response.

The initiative supports and enables people living with NCDs to share their views in order to take action and drive change. It seeks to advance the rights of people living with NCDs and combat stigma and discrimination.

In recognition of the central role of people living with NCDs in the response, the NCD Alliance set out to promote the voice of people living with NCDs in advocacy and organisational development in its 2016-2020 Strategic Plan.  To deliver on its Strategic Plan, the NCD Alliance developed the Our Views, Our Voices initiative, launched in 2017 with the guidance and insights of a Global Advisory Committee comprising people with lived experience of a range of NCD conditions.

People living with NCDs are the ultimate owners of this initiative, they inspire it and they drive it. Based on a people-centred and participatory approach, the views and voices of people living with NCDs take centre stage.


The Our Views, Our Voices initiative seeks to:

  • Promote consultation of people living with NCDs to build a knowledge base of their common challenges, needs and priorities
  • Advocate to put people first in the NCD response at the global, regional and national levels by promoting meaningful involvement of people living with NCDs in decision making and furthering the Advocacy Agenda of People Living with NCDs
  • Equip people living with NCDs with skills, knowledge and confidence to build a public narrative and drive change
  • Promote the views and voices of people living with NCDs and strengthen a public narrative that puts people first, challenges NCD misconceptions, breaks down stigma and discrimination, and calls for systemic change

Universal Health Coverage is the only way to guarantee that a person living with NCDs has the same opportunities of somebody who doesn't.

Bruno Helman Lived experience of Type 1 diabetes, Brazil


Advisory Committee

Lucía Feito Allonca

International Diabetes Federation

Eye or ear conditions, diabetes


Abdul Malik

Maldives NCD Alliance

Mental health conditions


Prisca Githuka

NCD Alliance Kenya

Cancer, liver, gastroenterological, genitourinary, renal disorder


Evans Majau

NCD Alliance Kenya

Cardiovascular disease (CVD), neurological disorder, TEF (care partner)


Seema Bali

Healthy India Alliance

Psoriasis, eye or ear conditions, MLTC- chronic kidney disease, hypertension (care partner+personal)


Osarenkhoe Ethel Chima-Nwogwugwu

Nigeria NCD Alliance

Diabetes, obesity, oral health conditions


Joseph Rukelibuga

Rwanda NCD Alliance

Diabetes, cardiovascular disease (CVD), stroke


Mohammed Seyam

Eastern Mediterranean NCD Alliance

Eye or ear conditions, Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease (CVD)

United Kingdom