The Tanzania Advocacy Agenda of People Living with NCDs
The Tanzania Advocacy Agenda of People Living with NCDs crystallises recommendations of people living with NCDs, representing a wide range of NCD conditions for improvements in NCD prevention and control in Tanzania.

The Tanzania Advocacy Agenda of People Living with NCDs
PubliéDec 2021
AuteurNCD Alliance
The Tanzania Advocacy Agenda of People Living with NCDs, built through a consultative process involving over 200 people living with NCDs in Tanzania, was launched in November 2021.
This Agenda was built through community conversations, focus group discussions, and 37 in-depth interviews with people living with a wide range of NCDs from different regions across Tanzania, including Arusha, Dodoma, Dsm, Iringa, Kagera, Kilimanjaro, Mafinga, Mara, Mbeya, Morogoro, and Mtwara.
The development of this Agenda was conducted by a working group of four people living with NCDs. The contents of this agenda are based solely on the inputs of people living with NCDs, with support from TANCDA and the NCD Alliance.
The Tanzania Advocacy Agenda calls for the highest level of political, social, and economic support to put the needs of people living with NCDs at the center of NCD policy and practice in Tanzania. It crystallizes the recommendations of those affected according to four categories: human rights & social justice; prevention; treatment, care and support and meaningful involvement. It draws from the power of the lived experience and provides a compass for NCD advocacy efforts, functioning as a living document that captures the priorities of people living with NCDs. It is intended to guide and support efforts of key stakeholders to improve NCD prevention and control.
During the launch of the agenda, which was officiated by representatives from the Ministry of Health, people living with NCDs highlighted their key asks to various stakeholders including the government, Ministry of Health, TANCDA board members, healthcare professionals, civil society organizations and patient associations. Concluding remarks from the Ministry of Health included: “All the concerns and asks have been accepted and we will work on them, but I urge you to stay united and raise your voices as one, walk together and reach far”.