Advocacy Agenda of People Living with NCDs in Mexico

The Advocacy Agenda of People Living with NCDs in Mexico crystallises recommendations of people living with NCDs, representing a wide range of NCD conditions for improvements in NCD prevention and control in Mexico.

Agenda de incidencia de personas que viven con ENT en México

Advocacy Agenda of People Living with NCDs in Mexico

PublishedFeb 2019

AuthorNCD Alliance


The Advocacy Agenda of People Living with NCDs in Mexico was informed by a series of consultations with people living with NCDs. In 2017, seven community conversations attended by over 150 people living with NCDs including care partners, took place in Mexico City as part of the Our Views, Our Voices consultation to build the global Advocacy Agenda of People Living with NCDs.

Throughout 2018, Mexico SalhudHable gathered insights of people living with NCDs in order to foster a meaningful dialogue on the challenges faced by them and their vision for a stronger NCD response in Mexico.

Community Conversation hosted by Mexico SaludHable in 2017 which informed the Mexico Advocacy Agenda
Community Conversation hosted by Mexico SaludHable in 2017 which informed the Mexico Advocacy Agenda

In 2019, the Advocacy Agenda of People Living with NCDs in Mexico was crystallised at a National Meeting of people living with NCDs convened by Mexico Salud-Hable with support from NCD Alliance. Over 50 people living with NCDs, including care partners, discussed their challenges and perspectives for improvements in NCD prevention and care and their meaningful involvement in public policies and programmes. Open segments of the meeting were attended by representatives from the Ministry of Health and country representatives of PAHO/WHO in Mexico. The national advocacy agenda, available in Spanish and English, is framed around four action areas: prevention, treatment care and support; human rights and social justice; and meaningful participation of people living with NCDs.

...our disease are an opportunity to live, not a death sentence, living with diabetes gives us a different insight on life, from the diagnosis onwards, I can share with my family and my inner circle a better understanding and a different way of living. "

National meeting participant living with Type 2 diabetes, Mexico

Leveraging the national advocacy agenda to accelerate progress on NCDs

Since the launch of the national advocacy agenda, Mexico Salud-Hable and advocates living with NCDs have leveraged it as a tool to advocate around Mexico’s National Development Plan 2019-2024 and National Health Plan 2019-2024. In 2020, Mexico Salud-Hable published a civil society report on the harmful use of alcohol with recommendations to the Mexican authorities on strengthening alcohol control to reduce associated harm. The reports were formulated from a people-centered perspective, informed by the consultations with people living with NCDs, which took place to build the advocacy agenda in Mexico.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Mexico Salud-Hable has been consulting people living with NCDs on their specific needs and challenges through virtual group discussions and by collating a repository of lived experience testimonials.